The First Day Program™ at the JSU Bookstore

Two students study together on the twelfth floor of the Houston Cole Library

About the First Day Program™

FirstDay™ is the JSU Bookstore's (Barnes & Noble College) inclusive access model where every student has access to digital course materials on or before the first day of class within the Canvas Learning Management System. This affordable solution provides significant savings for related course materials  as noted directly on the student account. While not suggested, students have the ability to opt-out of the program if desired.

* Students: Your course required textbooks will show on your MyJaxState account as an E-Textbook fee. Please contact the Campus Bookstore will any questions regarding what all this includes.

The FirstDay™ charge(s) will appear at registration (see bill due dates).

Once the course is opened by the faculty member, students will be able to access their digital course materials through Canvas. If you are using materials that include publisher hosted content, you may be rerouted. First-time users will need to create an account with the publisher providing the course material. Please ensure your pop-up blocker is disabled within your browser during use.
Wondering what this will look like from a Student Perspective? Check out this BNC YouTube Video Demo

If you are having trouble accessing your textbooks, there are multiple ways to get help. You may visit, you may call Barnes and Noble's Customer Careline at 844-9-EBOOKS (1-844-932-6657), email our Bookstore manager at, or you may visit the Campus Bookstore in person!

Each faculty member, and the JSU Bookstore, is trained to help you with your digital course materials and can provide instructions on how to access the materials through Canvas.

*Students: Your course required textbooks will show on your MyJaxState account as an E-Textbook fee. 

When students register for a FirstDay™ course, the cost of digital course material is included as a course fee on their student account. This charge is automatically added to the MyJaxState account and is only applicable to courses enrolled in the FirstDay™ program. This charge is applied each time a student registers for a FirstDay™ course, including if a class is repeated. To pay for the E-Textbook charge, simply make a payment to you MyJaxState Account or visit the Cashier Window in Angle Hall (see Student Account Payment and Due Dates).

Frequently Asked Questions:

Students may opt-out of purchasing the E-Textbook materials, however, students are still responsible for completing all work assigned by their professor. To opt-out, select the option for the course in Canvas.

Opt-Out requests must be received for the Current Semester within the first 14 days of class:

  1. Log into Canvas
  2. Navigate to your course
  3. Click on E-Textbook Course Materials located in the left-hand course menu
  4. After clicking E-Textbook Course Materials you will be redirected to the Course Materials page
  5. To opt-out you need to click the Opt Out link at the top right side of the window. (On this page you will also see the opt-in price, the opt-out price and the deadline to make a decision)
  6. A pop-up window will open asking you to confirm that you would like to opt-out. Select the check box and click Confirm to opt-out
  7. You will then get the Confirmation page that you have opted-out

See opt-out video instructions here:

*All deadlines are noted on the University’s Academic Calendar

Opting out of is not recommended because students are still responsible for accessing materials assigned by their instructor. The FirstDay™ program offers significant savings on course materials. If you chose to opt-out, you may opt back in to the program before the Final Sales Date, or 14 day deadline.

*Please note that students who opt-out will not receive immediate refund. Payment reconciliation takes place 30 days into the semester, and refunds will be issued at that time.

Some of the benefits of the FirstDay™ program are:

  • FirstDay™ materials are digitally accessible so it goes where you go, on whichever device you want.
  • The cost of FirstDay™ course materials have been negotiated to be the lowest price available from the publisher.
  • Students are prepared with their required course materials on the first day of class, leading to greater student success.

Most publishers give students the option of purchasing a very affordable loose-leaf copy of the book through the JSU bookstore. The loose-leaf copy can also be ordered online from the bookstore and shipped directly to your home.

If you drop a FirstDay™ course before the University Census Date, you will not be charged. If you are dropped or withdrawn from the course after the deadline, you will still be charged and be responsible for any FirstDay™ charges posted to your student account.

All refunds will be issued after the Final Sales Date for the Term. All refunds are to be issued according to Student Account's refund policies.

*All deadlines are noted on the University’s Academic Calendar